Why the increase in Juvenile Delinquency?

I am sure that each one of you is equally perplexed as I am reading and listening about the multiple incidents of juvenile delinquency including the 2012 Nirbhaya rape case and the very recent Ryan School murder case.

I understand that one minor is held for rape every four hours on an average in India. There were 6,039 arrests between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2016 (that’s one arrest every 4.3 hours). One minor is apprehended every two hours for assault on women with intent to outrage their modesty. 23,25,575 cases were registered against juveniles under IPC crimes in 2011. The number steadily rose to 29,49,400 in 2015.

These statistics are from National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)‘s annual data compilation for 2015 and 2016.

One in every two children is a victim of sexual abuse and yet we don’t want sex education to be a part of the education system.

Another headline that shocked me on Children’s Day is Offences against children increased fourfold in last two years.

“A total of 89,423 crimes against children were reported in 2014. The number went up to 94,172 in 2015 and 1,05,785 the next year, according to a report by India Today.

Between 2014 and 2016, the number of crimes recorded under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) went up from 8,904 to 35,980 – a fourfold jump, the report says.”

Last year, two juveniles shot dead an Uber driver and dumped his body. This morning I read about an 18-month-old raped by a 21-year-old.

Sociologists and Psychologists across the nation have been pointing out that this issue is not just a sociological one but a psychological one too. Some of the most common causes associated with juvenile crimes are: Poverty; Drug Abuse; Anti-social Peer Group; Easy availability of firearms; Abusive parents; Single-parent child; Nuclear Family; Family Violence; Child sexual abuse and Role of Media.

During the Nirbhaya trial the juvenile who was said to have been the most brutal of the lot had months left to be 18-years-old, yet he was tried as a juvenile and I understand that he is now reformed, rehabilitated and is walking free. While I have no mercy for this man and the many others like him, I do really want to look at why these children are behaving the way they are and if there are ways we can correct them.

Deteriorating of emotional connect due to lack of time – However much we deny children are deprived of their childhood and their time with their family members in this fast-paced world. There is usually no time left for social gatherings or family outings which help strengthen the one-to-one bond between family members. We ought to manage our time to include daily family time wherein everyone has the freedom and excitement to share their achievements, insecurities, fears and problems. The best possible way is to have breakfast or dinner together. If not, an evening snack.

Easy access to media and gadgets – I wish people in India took the PG (Parental Guidance) ratings seriously and control what the child has access to. The next big culprit being the easy access to internet and unmonitored Apps and videos. Children are sensible enough to understand that there are certain things that one can have access to depending on the age. If dealt with maturity this can be instilled in the child conveniently and without having to lie about anything. The more you lie or hide from them, the more anxious and curious they are. Remember, forbidden fruit is the sweetest.

Cinema and Television – All that a media house or television company now cares for is TRP. The concept of Prime Time has gone for a toss. As young children (mostly latch-key kids) browse through the hundreds of channels that are now available, all they witness is the glamorization and of sex and glorification of violence. While I do not justify the extreme censorship of movies by the censor board, I do urge parents to set controls on what your child watches in your absence. Getting children interested in reading or engaged in a creative activity of their choice will be a much better option.

Neighborhood Watch – I am an old school girl. We (my younger sister and myself) were raised single-handedly by our mother who was a school teacher. We were left alone at home all by ourselves on many days since the tender age of five. But, there were neighbours who would keep checking on us every now and then. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration if I say that I am more comfortable and close with many of my neighbourhood aunts and uncles than many of my family members. This is something that is lacking these days. Most families are nuclear and live in flat accommodations where nobody is interested in anybody else’s life. There needs to be a sense of community, a sense of familiarity and emotional connect between people. This is what children these days lack. We hear so many cases of death or depression due to loneliness. These are easily preventable if proper community recreation and gatherings are organised from time to time.

Lack of Physical Touch or Care – You read that right. Often times we tend to ignore the power of touch or of speech. A loving hug, a goodnight kiss or an encouraging compliment can do wonders to your child’s emotional requirements. It instills a sense of security in them and makes them feel loved and cared for. A sense of moral and social values should be instilled in them since the very beginning. Most importantly, we must lead by example as parents and elders.

Undoubtedly, every delinquent child is a victim of his/her circumstance. No one is a born criminal. Circumstances make him/her so. Socio-cultural environment, both inside and outside of home, plays significant role in shaping one’s life and overall personality. So it is our duty, as parents, teachers, relatives, guardians, friends, to guide these vulnerable children onto the right path. It is important to remove the bad from the individual and not the individual. Children should be allowed and provided opportunity to grow up in a healthy socio-cultural environment so that they could become responsible citizens, physically fit, mentally alert and morally healthy.

I would love to know if there’s anything to add to the above list to help/correct our children well in time. I am sure we do not want to see another child accused of raping, murdering or abusing anyone. Do we?

5 Replies to “Why the increase in Juvenile Delinquency?”

  1. Woaaa The numbers are scary… It’s terrible to see the numbers jump in such a short span of time. I like the points you mentioned. It is essential that kids connect with emotions early on. The violence shown in movies, video games and media can easily manipulate their young mind. I fear that they might grow up thinking this destructive behavior is normal.
    Loved that you wrote this post and raised valid points.


    1. I read some 15-20 articles on this and the statistics frightened me. We all have to seriously think of how we can contribute in the development of every child in the country. A simple ‘Namaste’ in our times used to help open up a healthy conversations with neighbours as well as total strangers. These days nobody stops to check how the other person is doing or feeling. I still talk to children in the neighbourhood about their day or at least tease them gently to make them open up with me. I feel it helps them as well as me to know that there is someone who cares and can be reached. I really really hope that we wake up before it is too late.

  2. I know i probably will be hated for saying this.. but surly this was not such a big issue in the good old days.. they did say spare the rod spoil the child..

    I dont endorse THAT but a little strictness ..keeping on eye on the kids.. i use to be afraid if my teachers parents elders… that does not mean i did not respect thwm or they did not love me…

    Sadly as you mentioned media freeness etc etc have all contributed towards all the issue..

    Yes we need a change for sure else it will deteriorate..

  3. The numbers sure are craxy.. and I often fell it is that lack of early childhood care( in terms of love, understanding ) which contributes greatly!! Not withstanding ofcourse are all the other factors you have mentioned. Boils down to how much do we talk to our children???? I am not refereing to things like about school performance etc… But how much do we talk on their well being emotionally? It is just such a neglected aspect in most homes!

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