Being Present


It was after years that Sandhya decided to get out of her house and spend some time with herself, for herself. It had been ages since she went out all alone. The monotonous lifestyle was killing her. She didn’t have any complaints about her handling the kids  and home front almost all alone. After getting them admitted to school Sanjeev never had the time to attend any of the annual days, none of their performances, not even a single PTM. She was okay with that too, but all she wanted was him to spend some time with her. She yearned to spend some quality time with him. It was not that Sandhya didn’t try. She did try talking to Sanjeev, but he was never available or rather he was always busy ‘establishing’ his business that he started seven years back after quitting his corporate job. What pinched her was that he did not have the time to even pick up her calls and he never bothered to call back.

She was talking to her sister on her mobile when she reached the mall. After disconnecting, she kept the phone on mute and went into the Orra store. She had already made up her mind about the diamond ring that she had wanted to gift Sanjeev on their fifteenth anniversary, so it didn’t take long to finalize. After making the payment, she immediately rushed out and took a taxi to ensure that she reaches home well before the school bus reaches. As the taxi moved, she picked up her phone from her handbag.

38 missed calls in 10 mins! She wondered what was going on.

She doesn’t remember the last time her phone flashed Sanjeev’s number. She was surprised and worried at the same time. She immediately called him up and to add to her surprise, he picked up the call in just two rings.

Sandhya, where were you? In the kitchen? Or where you chit-chatting with the neighbor?”

“What happened Sanjeev? Is all well with you?”

“Did you loose your credit card somewhere? Someone seems to have made a transaction of over a lakh on your card. I just got an SMS and wanted to check with you before getting the card blocked.

being-presentPicture Courtesy: Google Image Search


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

This time your entry must contain, ’38 missed calls in 10 mins! He/She wondered what was going on.

24 Replies to “Being Present”

  1. Nice, at least the husband runs a tight ship with the household finances, doesn’t he? 🙂 Although I must say that the initial part of your narration would probably make for a nice short story beginning or something like that, don’t you think?

    1. Each one is performing his/her part to perfection. But the gap that remains is the time for each other. Do you think its only financial stability that matters? It is one of the important parameters, no doubt on that. But every relationship needs time and communication. I believe so. I have also noticed that most of my stories leave a lot to the reader’s imagination. 🙂

      1. Yes, your story endings are quite open ended leaving it open for interpretation for the readers,and that tends to be good most of the time as each reader will have his or her own takeaway from the post, won’t they? 😀

    1. Ha ha ha…Rachna, I was wondering why nobody asked this. He received an SMS because it’s an add-on card that he got her along with his own card. 😀

      1. And, she is buying a gift using an add-on card! Arre usko sochna toh chahiye tha :). At least apna debit card use karti. Mera dimaag todha tangentially take off kar jaata hai :).

  2. Her intentions were nice….but then an one lakh+ transaction probably won’t help the duo settle their gaps…might make it worse infact…

  3. Its become more difficult with credit card pins mandated nowadays. I lost my card and when someone tried using it it was blocked immediately. By the way my better half knows the pin though so I know who swiped it if I get a mammoth bill 😉

  4. A credit card swipe always gets their attention…does it not 😦 hmmmm… nice idea though 🙂 a different take on th prompt. All the best for the wow 🙂

  5. Very short story with an open-ended conclusion that left readers amused or skeptical about the later part – Did Sanjeev over react on one lakh transcation?? Will he be delighted to have it as an anniversary gift?? What Sandhya must have told to Sanjeev??? So many questions with multiple answers. The starting seem to depict the worst condition of non-working mother and wife of a busy husband. Lack the space and miss closed ones to share her feelings. The idea of uniting the lost love via gift was awesome but left unanswered.

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